As much as I love to cuddle, it was exhausting. She was miserable, and her fever got up to 104 at one point. She would not let me put her down all day. My saving grace was that she slept fairly well at night (in her own crib). Then came the allergic reaction. And she was even more miserable. We had a few sleepless nights, so that rule I made against bedsharing? That was broken a few times in the wee hours of the morning.
I love how they are basically in the same position in this one.
The good news is that somehow Quentin survived it unscathed. And the other good news is that we all lived to tell the tale. I also would love to report that strep is about a million times worse than the flu. I can say that because I had both within a two month time span. Luckily, I have not been sick since the bout with strep, which I think can largely be attributed to doTERRA and their wonderful supplements (which I could write an entire post about, but I'll spare you this time).