Thursday, July 1, 2010


This past weekend we got to go see Wicked in St. Louis with the Jacobs! We went up Friday night and stayed with Michael's brother and then Saturday morning we dropped Andrew off at Grandma's and Karen and I went to Archiver's, this huge scrapbook store (and of course spent plenty of money). Mike and Quentin waited outside and had bets on how much we would spend and I am happy to say that we came in well below their expected amounts! Guess I could have spent a little more ;). Then we grabbed lunch to go and had to rush to Fox Theater to make the show in time. We barely made it...seriously. The lights went out right as we got to our seats, so we had to feel our way to sit down. Wouldn't it have been so embarrassing if someone had sat on someone else's lap? Oh wait....Karen did that. Hahaha! So the play was fun and then we went out to dinner afterwards. And we even got to stop at Maggie Moo's for ice cream! We all had fun but everyone was tired and ready to come home. Unfortunately we forgot our camera so no pictures...sorry!


Karen said...

I'll email you the pictures I took (the 2 I took). I'm pathetic.

What's up with the Walkers! said...

I'm so sorry that was the first time you went to Archievers, we have one here in KC! Once you save up some more money, we can take you anytime! Can't wait to see you guys in August!

Law Fool said...

I think it's well worth noting that we DID get to the show on time.

Colton Anne said...

I'm so glad and a bit jealous that you got to go to Maggie Moos!! Glad you liked the show!