Tuesday, October 26, 2010

25 weeks

And even a different outfit! Thanks to my sister and sisters-in-law I will be a well-dressed pregnant lady! I now have a closet full of cute maternity clothes! Thanks girls :)I never really know what to do with my hands in these pictures...kind of awkward.

I had a Dr. appointment today and everything is still looking good. Also I am mostly past the morning sickness junk (I think). So other than the normal aches and pains of pregnancy (back pain, frequent bathroom trips, trouble sleeping, out of control acne, general discomfort, etc) I am healthy and so is baby Brady. He's a pretty active little guy and if he's facing the right way, I can even SEE his kicks now sometimes. So fun!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Natalie, you look beautiful! Congrats on the boy...and I love the name! I got one of those slings too, you got the cute one though! :) I hope things continue to go great for you, hang in there, he will be here before you know it!