Butters, first and foremost. Butters is like our secret weapon to keeping Brady happy
Milk, of course
Being outside
Baby Signing Time (A DVD to teach baby sign language)
Anything that crinkles, particularly his baby wipes package
Splashing in the bath
"Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam"
Being Tickled
Daddy hanging him upside down
He also started to roll over in his swaddle, so we are working on weaning him off the swaddle. It's going better than I thought it would, but still a work in progress. Mostly, he rolls over and loses his pacifier and gets mad. I used to roll him back to his back, but then the second I would walk away, he would just roll back to his stomach again. He eventually falls asleep this way, but I still haven't figured out if he LIKES to sleep on his stomach, or just finally gives up and falls asleep. He still wakes up once a night to eat (between 4 and 5) and then goes back to sleep for a couple hours. I was planning to break him of his night feeding, but one sleep battle at a time is enough, so once we master the "unswaddled sleeping" we might tackle that. Here's a picture I caught of him asleep on his stomach.
I swear he gets cuter every time I see him. It's still hard to leave him for work every day, and all I think about is coming home to his cute, chubby smile.
Oh my goodness, such a cute smile! He's growing so much too! Brady and Leila should be friends. :)
Oh man, it seems like he gets chubbier every time you post pictures! Why is it so much cuter on him than on me? Love that boy!
I love that first picture with his stomach showing, haha. So funny and cute!
He definitely doesn't look like he's missing any meals! Must take after his Daddy on that one! Can't wait to squeeze on that chub sometime soon...I'm going through Brady withdrawals. He really needs to spend some more time w/his favorite Aunt ya know! Send him down here on a Greyhound and I'll pick him up at the station. He can hold his own against the creepy folk.
I can't get over how cute he is!! :D Wow, 5 months!! Time flies!
I love that little cutie.
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