Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Quentin has been promising Brady for a while that they could camp in a tent in the backyard if he practiced staying quiet at night.  This trick worked pretty well for a while, and Brady was beyond excited at the idea of camping.  So after Quentin took his vascular registry (and passed...yay Quentin!!) he decided it was time to fulfill his promise.  We borrowed a tent from Lori and set it up while the burgers were on the grill.
 Excuse the blurry picture.  But this is what the boys did to pass the a movie on the ipad.  Ahhhh...the great outdoors :)  We did do s'mores (well, on the grill that is).
 Here they are in their pajamas and ready for bed.  Apparently it was a long process getting to sleep because the bugs made noises that Brady didn't like, which is no shock to anyone who knows Brady's fear and disdain for bugs.  Once they got to sleep, they lasted the whole night.  I was pretty shocked because I thought for sure they would only be out there for an hour or two.  They sure are happy campers...and cute campers too!


Lynne/Mom/Grandma said...

Love those boys!

Crystal said...

Adorable! I have missed your posts! Hope life is great! :) Brady is so darn cute!