Monday, November 24, 2014

Bradys say the Darndest Things - Part 2

Lately Brady has been "punishing" us by not talking to us if we tell him no or something else he doesn't want to hear. The other day he qualified the statement into, "Ugh. I'm done talking to you.  Unless I need something. Then I'll talk to you."

Quentin took the kids to Aldi for a few groceries and he gave the quarter from the cart to Brady when they were done.  Brady dropped the quarter and couldn't find it and said "Did I just make magic?" (We assume make it disappear?)
 When Quentin was telling me about that incident, Brady said "It's not a quarter, it's a COIN."

Brady was crying when his cartoons weren't on one morning.  I said, "Brady, it's not going to kill you to miss a morning of cartoons." He responded, "Yeah, bad guys will kill me.  And then Grandma will be sad. Both Grandmas will be sad."

Brady was excited about the Trunk or Treat and kept asking if it was time yet. When I told him no for the umpteenth time, he said "The clock isn't moving!" When I told him it was moving, he said, "Well it's not moving fast enough."

Brady made Quentin check under his bed for monsters.  Quentin said there weren't any and Brady said, "If there were, you would move my bed and squash them cuz you're fat."

Texts from Lori:
B: "Hey Wori...when I get big I'll be a dad.  I'll be Hadley's dad, And Crapa won't be Crapa because my dad will be Hadley's Crapa. My mom will be Hadley's Gma," Hmmm...almost. (Crapa = Grandpa)

We were talking about Matt and Allie being at the ocean today and Stella said that she went to the ocean with Uncle David. Brady's eyes got big and he said, "Is your Uncle David a shepherd boy who hit Goliath on the head with his sling and Goliath fell down dead?"

"My dad told me about cords that you plug in. He said that if you touch one, then AFTER you're dead it will sting you."

Me: "Matt and Allie are swimming in the ocean today."
B: "Are there sharks in the ocean?"
Stella: "If a shark eats them, then they will live with Jesus."
B: "What? Did Jesus get eaten by a shark? Is Jesus in a shark's tummy?"

1 comment:

Lynne/Mom/Grandma said...

Just read these. So funny. Love him and the fun things he says.