Saturday, May 10, 2014

2 months

 Here's our happy 2 month old!  Couldn't get a huge smile this time, but she is probably the smiley-est baby ever.  Even as a newborn she would smile in her sleep a lot, but now it is generally directed at someone...or something as she seems to love clocks and curtains.  The clocks I'm pretty sure she loves so she can count down until her next meal.  She eats all the time still.  Nights are getting much better. She usually gives us about a 5 or 6 hour stretch most nights although there are still some rough ones in the mix.  
Her 2 month stats are: Height 22 in (21%)
Weight: 9lbs 13 oz (10%)
Head 38.4 (48%)
So she is still tiny, but growing!
Shots were terrible.  I hated them every time with Brady, but he cried during and immediately calmed down when I picked him up and didn't really affect him otherwise.  She screamed bloody murder and took quite a while to calm down.  It was a struggle to even get her to eat after because she was so upset.  And she had a fever that night, which meant more snuggles for me.  Even through the torture, I got some smiles that night.  She smiled at Brady all day, but I was being punished for a while I think since I had to hold her arms down during shots.  Here's my smiley girl!

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