Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Hadley's Half Birthday

Yep, it has already been 6 months since our lives were blessed with the addition of this sweet baby girl! The time has flown by! We think she is just the cutest (obviously unbiased opinion), sweetest girl ever! I mean, look at these smiles...

She has mastered rolling over both ways (and both directions even!) and uses that as a mode of transportation since she has not figured out how to crawl quite yet.  She also does a little scooting. Enough to get into things if I leave the room.  Her favorite thing to get into is her diapers.  Luckily, they are the clean diapers :) Brady seems to be her favorite person. She loves to watch him and he makes her laugh like no one else. And he (for the most part) loves her. I hope this positive relationship will continue as she grows and begins to get into his things.  She is lucky to have such a great brother! She also loves: Butters, singing songs, peek-a-boo, looking at herself in the mirror, watching us eat (not so much eating herself as she seems to think we are poisoning her when we try to feed her), watching EVERYTHING, and smiling. She does her best to catch any willing eye and then gives a giant smile as reward.  
We've started trying to feed her some solids in hopes of getting better sleep at night.  It's not working yet. As in, she is not really eating solids and she is also not sleeping great at night. So far, we have given her avacados (which does not elicit anything resembling a smile), and carrots.  She seems less repulsed by the carrots. Next up is bananas. I think it will be received well, but we will see! This is a huge contrast from my baby Brady who ate everything except squash.

Here are her stats: Height:25 3/4 in (39%)
Weight: 14 lbs, 10 oz (19%)
Head Circum: 42 1/2 cm (55%)
So she is still pretty tiny, but she sure is growing!

1 comment:

Lynne/Mom/Grandma said...

She really does have the best smile. Love her.