Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Bradys Say the Darndest Things

I have not been good at writing down all the funny things Brady says...and boy does he have some good ones! I'm going to try to start doing better so this post is entirely dedicated to the funny things that my sweet, inquisitive, smart and funny (though he doesn't always mean to be and gets mad if you laugh at the wrong time) boy says.

Sometimes it's the way he pronounces things: Grandpa = Crapa, Crab = Crap, Weapon = Whippin (this is what he calls his sticks usually), peanut butter and sandwiches (pb&j)

When I was cutting my toenails:
"But what about the lovely purple stuff?!" (toe nail polish)

I don't remember the whole back story, but at one point he said that Grandpa was Grandma's wife.

During FHE (randomly) "Jesus would be sad if Curious George died"

After Lori saw a snake one day Brady was obsessing over it (imagine that!) and kept asking me questions about it.  I finally texted Lori to ask how long the snake was.  She responded that it was a foot and a half to 2 feet, which I relayed to Brady. After a few moments, here was our conversation:
B: "Mom, Lori can't say that snakes have feet cuz only people have feet."
M: "What about Butters, he has feet. Is he a person?"
B: "No, but he is part of our family."

Aliisa asked him if he could think of something that was gross and after a little thought he said "Hmmm...poop is gross."

Texts I received from Lori:
*We're sitting on the porch watching the rain and waiting to the school bus. A blue city bus went by (first time ever) and B asked "That's not a school bus. Is that a tornado bus?" I said, "What's a tornado bus?" B, "You know, the tornado bus.  It comes and picks us up when a tornado is coming."

*I heard B crying after he laid down for his nap so I went in and asked what was wrong. He said "It's so dark in here that I'm scared. Can you turn on a light?" I said, "Try taking your sunglasses off and see if that makes it better." He took them off and said, "Oh yeah...that is better now."

B: "Where is Justin?"
L: "He is 5 and he goes to school now, remember?"
B: "Oh yeah...my cousin Alexa goes to the garden but she doesn't go to school like Justin."
The garden = kindergarten :)

Deep Breakfast conversation out of nowhere - B: "Wori...when I get big I will marry Allie.  If Allie says no then I'll marry Stella." Stella: "I can't marry you because I am going to marry my dad. You can marry Ava." Ava: "I marry Matt." Brady (very dejected) after sighing: "Ok...then I will ask Allie after school and if she says no, I will marry my Mom. She won't say no."

That's all for now, folks.  I'll try to do better at writing these posts up more often. He is full of funny things to say, so it shouldn't be too hard.


KarenEJacobs said...

Adorable! I wish I could know that cute little guy.

Lynne/Mom/Grandma said...

Love these. He says so many fun things you'll have to post lots.