Tuesday, February 10, 2015

11 Months

Happy Hadley is 11 months!  I thought time flew by with Brady, but with Hadley I feel like we're moving at the speed of light.  Slow down, time!  It was quite the challenge to catch her holding still long enough for these pictures.  She is into EVERYTHING!  And she loves to climb.  She has figured out how to climb up onto the fireplace and thinks she's pretty hot stuff when she does.  She also likes to dump the dog bowl all over, climb the stairs, empty cabinets, eat anything she can get in her mouth and she still loves to smile.  She is starting to babble more and is getting very close to walking.  She has also discovered eye lashes and loves to play with them, but it can be quite brutal because "gentle" seems to be beyond comprehension thus far.  She also loves to be held. Still.  A lot. But I don't mind the occasional snuggles!

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