Friday, May 13, 2011

Back to Work

Well, my 12 weeks of staying at home sadly came to an end this week and I was forced back to reality...back to work. And by back to work I mean my paying job because, as any mom knows, staying at home to take care of a baby is by no means an easy job! I had a very hard time leaving him that first day. In fact I was in tears most of the night before and in the morning before I left for work, on my way to work, in the parking lot of work, and so forth. But I survived. And Brady survived. And Quentin survived his first day of Mr. Mom. And then I did better the next day (although it was still hard to leave, especially because he was so smiley!). Here we are before I left for work my first day back.Quentin is officially done with his semester. Aliisa was kind enough to watch Brady this morning during Quentin's last final. We are so lucky to have such a good family to volunteer to help out like that, and it is a lot easier on me to leave him with family than at daycare (which will eventually come, but I prefer not to think of that). Quentin doesn't start back until he starts his program on June 21, so he gets a whole month of being Mr. Mom. It will be a good experience for him to bond with Brady and I hope he is as happy as I am that he gets the opportunity. Also Brady was sweet enough to roll over for the first time the day before I went back to work. He has done it several more times as well, but Quentin has yet to see it.

So going back to work is not really all bad. And after going back I have realized just how much harder my job was when I was it seems so much easier physically. I try to think positively to make it easier, so here is the positive:
1. I bring home a paycheck
2. I get awesome benefits (our insurance really is the best!)
3. Bringing home a paycheck will (hopefully) allow us to continue debt-free, even with outrageous tuition
4. I get adult interaction
5. It gives me the opportunity to show off how cute my baby boy is (trust me, I have shown pictures to everyone I can think of!)
6. This month it allows Brady and Quentin time to grow closer
7. I think it helps me appreciate the time I do have with Brady even more
8. We don't have to wear green scrubs anymore! Seems pathetic that I get so excited by this, but I had to wear my Hunter Greens for two years and the two years before that as a student I had to wear black. So having options is nice.
8. At the end of the day, I get to come home to this...
...and then it's all worth it!


Lisa R said...

It has been 3 months already!! Crazy!!! I will look forward to seeing you at work soon!

Jewelyn said...

Love your pros list. It's gotta be hard going back after 3 months but it sounds like you've planned well! Brady is such a cutie!

John n Shannon said...

It is a great opportunity for Quentin and Brady! Every dad should get to experience what it's like to be a stay-at-home Mom! Hope you enjoy the break before you get to resume the role full time! So good of you to focus on the positives. It's only temporary...that's another one! :D

Crystal said...

First off, you have the cutest little guy! :D You look great, for being a full-time mommy & working outside of the home! (I am jealous!) Do you like your job and hours? That's awesome that he gets to stay with your husband! I hope everything goes smoothly! By the way, how is he sleeping?

Colton Anne said...

I'm glad that the transition has gone well. It's weird to talk to Quentin and think he's at home doing the same thing I'm doing...being a mom!! :) Haha! I'm sure he's doing a great job!