Friday, August 19, 2011

Half a Year

Yep, Brady has hit his 6 month mark (which unfortunately brought with it another round of shots). He did really well at the doctor and cried only for a minute with the shots. Extreme fussiness to follow, but it's part of life. Here are his stats:

Height: 28 in (91%)
Weight: 19 lb, 1 oz (80%)
Head: 44 cm (78%)

So Dr. Wheeler said he is actually not super big for his height, but I think the rolls on his legs and arms beg to differ. (As seen below if you can get past looking at the world's cutest, cheesiest grin)

We are also treating Brady for asthma now. He has a chronic cough and often wakes up coughing at night. He always has, and I realized right away as I was describing it to the doctor that it was probably asthma. Anyway, there is no way to test it other than to treat it as asthma and see if it gets better, so that's what we'll do. Other than that, everything looks great and we are lucky to have such a happy, healthy baby! He has started eating real foods now (well, the pureed version anyway) and it's fun to see his reaction when he tries something new. So far we have tried avacados, green beans, and carrots. We are still not sure about his feelings towards green beans, but he still opens his mouth for more with anything we give him, so he must like it some.

Favorites: Still Butters, songs, "Baby Signing Time," tickling, silly noises, sitting up, carrots, pulling hair, bath time, babbling

Dislikes: Loud noises (vacuum, baby food blender), getting hands and face wiped after eating, people not paying attention to him, and that's pretty much all

And here he is trying out his johnny jump-up. He hasn't quite mastered it yet, but he sure does enjoy it.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Awe, he is too cute! Korey said he is a cutie! Glad he is doing good, hope the breathing treatment stuff helps him out! Do you guys make your own baby food?