Sunday, April 17, 2011

Holy Pukes and Cute Church Clothes

This boy has become very pukey lately and Quentin always seems to get the worst of it (or maybe he just has the biggest reaction to it?). This is what I saw when I heard a cry for help the other day... Also Quentin had to go home from church today and change shirts because he was covered in spit up (good thing we live close). And this is what our handsome boy wore to church today. I couldn't get him to look at me, but still cute. It's hard to compete with the flashing lights in the swing.


Karen said...

He is so cute!! I loved his little outfit, and I love the look of pure disgust on Quentin's face in the 2nd picture.

John n Shannon said...

Quentin is hilarious. Tell him to just wait til the projectile, throw up everything they just ate, pukies start coming. Oh and they will! Multiple times before he's all grown up! And boy can I just say he is already growing up from when I saw him last! I'm starting to see some chub form on that face! Can't wait to start squishing!! :D

John n Shannon said...

I'd like to clarify that the last part of my comment was about Brady, not Quentin. Lol, I can't wait to start squishing Brady. I don't think it'd be as fun to squish offense. ;-)

Kirsten said...

He is getting so big! I love the chubby cheeks starting to come in!

Ben and Laurie said...

Your family is SO adorable. Minus the puke picture. That brings back so many yucky memories!